The popular social media is Facebook. That's all! Apart from this, young people are getting employment opportunities all over the world through various initiatives on Facebook.

Bangladesh is also on the list of these benefits of Facebook called 'Ad Breaks'. Now you too can earn money by posting videos on Facebook.

What are ad breaks?

Ad breaks mean ad breaks. Suppose you are watching a video on Facebook. Suddenly an ad of 10-15 seconds appeared in the middle of the video. Or an app download ad below the video. 55% of Facebook's revenue from this advertiser will be credited to the video publisher's account. This feature is available in current Bengali and English language videos.

How to get ad breaks?

You need to have a Facebook page to get this benefit of Facebook. Where there are more than 10,000 followers (likes), 30,000 views a minute long in the last 60 days and the length of the video must be at least 3 minutes.

How to turn on ad breaks?

To turn on ad breaks in page videos, go to to verify the eligibility of the page. Then apply for ad breaks. If all goes well, Facebook will update the application within a few hours.

How to add ad breaks to video

On a Facebook page, various types of content including text, pictures, videos are published. Details of all that content are available at Facebook Creator Studio. In the video section of this creator studio ( ) you need to select ad breaks while uploading videos. At this point you will see two options for publishing ads. One is the automatic selection method and the other is the selection method. With automatic selection, Facebook will display ads on your videos at any time. And if you like, you can set the ad time between 60 and 120 seconds. However, to turn on ad breaks in the previous video, go to the video's edit option and select ad breaks from the menu on the right.

Ad breaks in live video

The live video on the Facebook page has ad breaks facility. For this live video must be at least 4 minutes. At the same time the video should be watched by at least 300 people.

Withdrawal of money

In the monetization option of Facebook Business Manager ( ) daily income from ad breaks can be seen. Here you have to give the details of your bank account. Facebook will send this month's income to the designated bank account in the middle of next month.

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