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Ways to Increase Views on YouTube Videos : The most important part of a YouTube channel is View and Subscriber. But due to lack of proper knowledge about YouTube SEO , there are many people who cannot achieve success in the YouTube sector.

There are several ways to increase views on a YouTube channel video in a very short time. When you can master those strategies. From then on, you can increase your views and subscriptions to any YouTube channel video.

Since you are reading this article, it may be assumed that you are a new YouTuber and you are reading this article or you want to start a new YouTubing to know how to increase the views on the videos of YouTube channel.

If so, today's article is just for people like you.

How to increase views on videos from a newly created YouTube channel. For that you need to follow any tips & tricks. All these issues will be discussed in today's article.

If you are also a new youtuber. If you want to succeed in the YouTube sector in a short time. Then read the whole article carefully today.

Is it possible to increase views on YouTube videos? 

Is it really possible to increase views on YouTube videos? - This question is on the minds of many. Because, as I said at the outset, many people have little idea about YouTube SEO.

YouTube SEO is one such technique. Through which it is possible to know about the algorithm of any platform. Now the question may arise in your mind, "Algorithm" - again what? Then listen,

After uploading the video on YouTube, the view in that video comes 6 We all know that But you have to think a little differently. You have to think about how YouTube brings View & Watch time to those videos.

When you try to find out about these things. Then the first thing that will come is to know about the algorithm of YouTube.

Because that's how YouTube works. If you don't know about him. Then you have to follow the technique to bring the view in the video. You can't even have an idea about him. 

How do you get views on youtube videos? 

First of all you need to have an idea about the YouTube Algorithm. Because YouTube is a programming robot. Where the program is already set up, which keeps repeating.

Now the thing to know is, when we upload a video. Then Youtube does some work based on that video. We need to know the details of those works.

So when you upload a video. YouTube will first show your video in your subscriber's newsfeed. The so-called YouTube Browser Feature.

Now with this browser feature, what kind of CTR is coming to your video, how many minutes of watch time is coming, YouTube will store that data.

So when your video gets good CTR and Watch Time from your subscribers. Then YouTube will send that video to some more viewers. And check if the video is being watched by people other than your subscriber.

When your video reaches an additional audience. That video will perform well. Then YouTube will deliver that video to more viewers in the newsfeed.

This way your video will perform as well. Your video will show more viewers in the newsfeed. In this way, your video will gradually go viral. 

Why isn't your video getting views?

The biggest problem is that you are uploading videos following all the rules. But still the view is not coming in your video. And this problem is not just yours, but many YouTubers.

So the biggest question is, "Why aren't your YouTube videos getting views?" And what is the solution?

So it seems from my long SEO experience. There are several reasons why a YouTube video may not be viewed. I will now mention those reasons in stages.

You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. So the first reason is, 

Wrong niche selection 

When a video is uploaded on a channel focusing on a specific topic Then that thing is called, niche. But sad but true is that most new youtubers don't pay much attention to this niche selection.

Now the question may arise in your mind, why am I giving so much importance to niche selection? Then listen,

For example, you make videos about land cultivation. Then those who do agriculture or are willing to do. Only those people will watch your videos.

One thing to consider here is that those who do agriculture. They don't have time to sit in their hands and watch Youtube videos. Moreover, those who are currently engaged in agriculture use very few smartphones.

Now if you make videos targeting them. Then your video will get less views, that's normal. So you have to give enough importance to niche selection. 

The audience is not interested

Another reason why a YouTube video is not viewed is because of the disinterest of the viewers. I mean, you're making a video about that. Which viewers do not want to see.

For example, if you make Funny Video. Then your video will get a lot of views. Because everyone likes to watch funny videos.

On the other hand, if you make educational videos. Then only students will watch your video. That too again only during the test. In that case your video will get less views, that's normal. 

Video performance is poor

One of the reasons why your video is not viewed is because of poor video performance. This type of problem usually occurs in low quality content.

Think about it here, you uploaded a video. This time YouTube thought of bringing views to your video through its various features. For example, YouTube Search, Suggested Video, Browser Feature, etc.

Now if you do not get much response from your video at this time. That means your video CTR is much lower. Besides, Watch Time does not come as expected. Then YouTube will think, there is nothing like that in your video.

Finally, YouTube will continue to lower the rank of your video. Your video will be frozen for a while. 

Change the category

We often change the category of the channel to get more views. But keep in mind, the YouTube sector should never change categories.

Because when you change the Category of the channel. Then your previous subscribers will not be of any use. Moreover, YouTube will have a very negative effect on SEO.

Suppose you have a YT channel with cricket reviews. Now if you suddenly change the category and work with Funny Video. Then your view will start to decrease automatically.

Because there are so many subscribers to your channel. But they did not subscribe to your channel to watch funny videos. This issue plays a big role in increasing the views on YouTube videos.

Now if you try to reach the audience by changing the topic. Then your video will have less views.

So for some reason the view in your video is not coming Hope you got a clear idea about that. Now we know how to get a lot of views on your YouTube video.  

How to increase views on your video?

When you create a new channel. Then you must have enough views on the video of that channel to grow that channel. Here you can learn how to increase views on YouTube videos.

Because, not having a view on a YouTube video is like a salt-free vegetable. That's why your channel is new or old. Your main target should be to bring more views in the video.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your YouTube video. Before you learn those strategies, you need to know which way YouTube videos get viewed.

There are several ways to get views on a YouTube video. Notably, 

1. What is YouTube Search?

After going to YouTube, the option to search by typing something is called YouTube search box. This search box plays a very important role in bringing views to YouTube videos.

Ways to increase views from YouTube Search

If you want to get a lot of views on YouTube videos. Then you need to give the most importance to YouTube Search.

Because when people want to watch videos about something on YouTube. Then first of all go to the search box and type it. Finds his desired video.

So here you have to find out which words people search for the most in that search box. Which is called "keyword research".

Hmmm, if you do Youtube SEO. Then you must know what is keyword research. Keyword research is an SEO technique . Through which you can bring millions of views to your video .

[💡 PRO Tips: An article on keyword research has been published. Must read this article]

There are currently many Free & Paid Tools for online keyword research. E.g. 



Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Google Keyword Planner


Long Tail Pro

The above tools are both free and paid. But if you want to do good keyword research without money. Then use the following tools. E.g.,

Keyword Tools io

Keyword Monitor

Hopefully, how to get views from Youtube search. Got a clear idea about him. Now we will know, what is Suggested Video and how to bring views in the video. 

2. What is Suggested Video

When you watch a video on Youtube. Then there are other videos below that video. This is called Suggested Video.

When you can bring a video to the Suggested List. Then the view will increase in that video. Which you can't even imagine.

Those who are successful in the YouTube sector, all follow this technique. This will result in huge amount of views on their video which is really surprising.

If you also want to increase the views on your video by following this technique. Then you need to know about YouTube Tag. Because with this tag, YouTube will suggest your video. 

How to get views from YouTube Suggest?

When you follow this technique you will try to increase the view in your video. Then you have to adopt some method.

For this you have to find the channels that are related to your niche. Videos from that channel have millions of views. Suppose you make a video on YouTube about Job Circular. Now you need to find job related channels.

Then there are the millions of videos in that channel. They have to be found. And you have to put those tags in your video.

How easy is the job, right?

[⚠️ Warning: After copying someone else's tag, do not use it directly in your video. If you do, your video will fall under Misleading Metadata]

So there are several online tools for extracting tags from a video. You can use those tools. E.g., 

Tag Finder

This time we will discuss about Browser Feature. 

3. What is Browser Feature? 

When uploading videos to your channel. Then YouTube will try to bring views to your video. That's why you will present your video in front of different viewers. This method is called Browser Feature. 

When your channel has a certain number of subscribers. Then you can enjoy the benefits of this feature. For example, suppose your channel has 1 thousand subscribers.

Now when you upload a video. Then YouTube will try to get your video to those 1000 people.

But if your channel has 100 subscribers. Then this YouTube feature will not be of much use. And this feature works automatically. So there is no need to worry about it. 

Shortcut technique to increase views on YouTube videos

I will come to my blog, but do not learn the shotcart technique, how it is possible. This time I will tell you about some such tips. If you follow these tips, your video views will increase very fast.

All that has been discussed above will be blown away. If you apply only 4 techniques to your video. But the thing to know is what are those 4 techniques? 

1.Make A Eye Catching Thumbnail 

When we scroll through YouTube's newsfeed. Then one video after another started coming When we like a thumbnail while scrolling like this, we stop there. And if that thumbnail is interesting, then click on that video.

So this method is called, CTR = Click Through Rate. That is, if 50 people click after your video reaches 100 people in total. Then your video CTR will be 50%.

In fact, the higher the CTR of your video, the better. That video is more likely to go viral. And Thumbnail plays a very important role in increasing this CTR. So before uploading a video you need to improve Thumbnail.

So the question is, "How to make thumbnails attractive"?

I will publish a separate article on ways to clicky thumbnails. Today I will only briefly discuss the main points to make Thumbnail attractive. 

When creating a YouTube thumbnail, keep in mind that it should be simple and gorgeous. 

There are many of us who use a lot of text in Thumbnail But we should know that even though there are a lot of viewers on YouTube, they have less problems.

Now if you have more text in your thumbnail, the viewer will ignore it and leave. 

There are many YouTubers who write the main points of the video in thumbnails. But if you say everything in thumbnails, then the viewers will not click on the video anymore.

So make the thumbnail of your video in such a way that after watching it, the viewers will have questions about your video. And click on the video to answer that question. 

To create a good thumbnail you must have an idea about color combination. Must have the ability to match the color of the photo background with the color of the rest of the element. 

For the time being, if you pay attention to these few techniques, you too can easily create an Eye Catching Thumbnail. 

2.Make A Attractive Video Title

The video title after the YouTube video thumbnail is Video Title. Because when we scroll through the newsfeed on YouTube, we first look at Thumbnail. Then read what is written in the title of that video. 

Then after looking at the thumbnails and titles when it feels good That's when you click on that video, right? That's why besides creating an attractive thumbnail, you need to create a standard title.

There are several things to keep in mind when creating a quality video title. E.g.,

3.Improve Your Video Starting Time

When you bring viewers to your video through thumbnails and titles. Then your main target is to capture the viewers who come to your video. 

For example, if your video is 6 minutes long. Then you have to try hard so that the viewers leave after watching your whole video. And the most important thing is the Video Starting Point.

Hmmm, let's just say your video is 3 minutes long. Now if the viewer clicks on your video then it goes away after watching 3 seconds or 10 seconds. Then YouTube will think that your video takes something that causes the viewers to come and go.

That's why make the first 30 seconds of your video like this. As if viewers are interested in watching your video from the beginning.

[💡 PRO Tips: You can add the main parts of your video together in the first 30 seconds of the video. Then your video can hold viewers]

4.Make A Good Content

All of the above discussions will be in vain if your video is not up to standard. No matter how much SEO you do, if the quality of your content is not good, no technique will work.

Suppose you bring viewers to your video with attractive thumbnails and eye-catching titles. But when the viewers come and see that your video quality is very bad then the viewers will not want to watch your video.

And as a result, the amount of Watch Time of your video will be reduced in many parts. And when Watch Time will be reduced. Then your video will slowly start to rank down. In this way, your video will be absolutely freeze.

If you apply these techniques discussed above 6 Then the views on your YouTube video will increase very easily. 

Our last word

If you want to work as a content creator in the YouTube sector Then you have to have a lot of patience Only then can you achieve success in this sector.

And in this article, the techniques to increase the views on YouTube videos are discussed. If you follow those techniques Then the views on your video will increase very easily.

Even then, if you have any questions Then you must comment. 

How to increase YouTube views by yourself
How to increase YouTube views free
How to get 1k views on YouTube
How to promote YouTube videos free
How to get more views on YouTube cheat
How to boost YouTube videos
How to get views on YouTube free
How to get views on YouTube gaming channel
How to get views on YouTube Reddit
How to get views on YouTube hack
How to get views on YouTube Shorts

How to get 1k views on YouTube

How to get views on your first YouTube video
Get 1000 free YouTube views
YouTube views generator
How to get more views on YouTube 2022
How to get more views on YouTube cheat 2022
How to promote YouTube videos free
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