"What is the easiest way to make money?" "How to make money sitting at home?" "I wish there was a way to get some money quickly." Such questions are heard all the time. Thousands of such questions even peek into our own minds. This wailing can be seen by looking outside the boundaries of Tushuni in student life. But there is a very simple answer to all these questions. The answer is income from Facebook!

At least once a day, we visit Facebook, like and comment on other people's pictures, share various posts in our timeline, chat with friends on Messenger. In addition to this, a small online startup can be built on Facebook with 2.32 billion users. Facebook can become your source of income through thousands of ways like creating different fanpages, making videos, developing Facebook games, online shops.

Earnings from Facebook page :

When we look at Facebook, we are dazzled by the thousands of pages. A Facebook page with quality content but will easily dominate the news feed of many.

The first step in the rules of earning money from Facebook page is to open a page on Facebook. In this case, your own interests as well as the interests of others should be given priority. Facebook pages can be of any kind. Such as- food review, travel page, news portal or any trendy troll page. In the case of troll pages, care must be taken so that it does not hurt any particular population or create any controversy. But then the purpose of your income from Facebook may be the opposite!
The main part of a Facebook page is content. The acceptability of your page to this huge number of Facebook users depends on the content. Any quality and well-described content is very helpful in generating response among good users. There are several steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation. E.g.-

Create a specific website for your fan page. Having a website along with a Facebook page is quite useful. These websites will have detailed descriptions of your content. You can use Blogspot, WordPress or Weeble to create a website. To overcome some of the limitations of the free domain, you can create your own website at a small cost.

Google has a program called "AdSense", which is widely used worldwide to make money from websites. AdSense's job is to provide ads for different companies on the website and in return pay a certain amount to the website operators. We often see thousands of ads on different websites and you can use these on your Facebook page by adding Google AdSense. This will allow you to start earning money from your Facebook page.

It is very important to regularly update the new content on the Facebook page regularly. If you upload more and more content, your page will always be in the eyes of new people, and the amount of likes, comments and shares will increase rapidly.
In terms of revenue from Facebook, you need to make sure that the content you share is not similar to any other article. Because many Facebook pages have their own copyright. In many cases, even through reporting, the issue of article theft comes to the fore. If the content is proven to be correct, the Facebook authorities immediately remove those posts.

The end of creating your page on Facebook, the work of creating the last content. Now we have to move towards selling the content or posts. There is an online website called shopsomething.com where you can sell your Facebook posts. Here you have to open your own account and set a specific price for each post on your fan page.

You will purchase these posts with a fixed amount of money and will later use these posts, post pictures for various advertisements. When it comes to pricing, be careful not to overdo it. So it is better to refrain from asking exorbitant prices.

Advertising :

Many people may not have heard of affiliate advertising. Many times when you scroll through Facebook, various ads appear in the newsfeed, under which is written in short "sponsored". This is affiliate advertising.

If you find an affiliate advertising program and sign up for it, you will be given a unique ID, along with various business materials related to your advertising. Money will continue to be credited to your account by these different users.
Create a separate Facebook account for the Affiliate Advertising Program. Remember, a separate Facebook account should be opened for each ad. As a result, users will be able to find the ads of their choice and the whole task of earning your money will be completed quickly.
The more people see your ad, the more your revenue will increase. So you need to prioritize the promotion of the ad so that you can start earning money from the affiliate by clicking on your post.

Freelancing Freelancing is one of the most popular names among us who are looking for ways to make money online. But freelancing is also possible through Facebook. When you start freelancing, the biggest hurdle is getting a job or not. Apparently, many freelancers are not able to find a job according to their preferences and qualifications. There are some active groups on Facebook about freelancing. Members of these groups share different job opportunities. As a result, many can find your desired destination. There are thousands of groups and pages on Facebook for freelancing like content writing, graphics designing, online marketing.

Online competition :

The big companies of the country organize various online competitions based on Facebook at different times for their promotion. The main purpose of these competitions is to promote their products to the customers. These companies choose Facebook as a platform for any new campaign, product, market planning. And in these competitions there are prizes of different amounts, prizes, sometimes internship-job opportunities.
As part of these competitions, your job will be to get more likes, shares and tagging of friends.

Facebook app :

Facebook has immense potential for web designers, game developers and programmers. It is possible to earn money from Facebook by creating Facebook app. It is also possible to earn money from Facebook by creating your own app. If you create different apps for Facebook, your income depends on the number of users.
One of the most popular games on Facebook was Farmville. The developer of the Farmville game was a company called Zynga. It is good to know that with the help of gaming companies like Ginga, Rovio Popcap, you can upload your developed games on Facebook platform.

Account Selling:

It is possible to earn a good income by selling any Facebook account, page and group that has been running for a long time. At one time many people used to open more than one account. But the reality is that it is very difficult to run more than one account. However, the plus point here is the old account, but now a lot of price. Because users have been familiar with these page-groups for a long time. In addition, there is a huge demand for these old account-page-groups in the online marketplace. So with more followers, more likes and more group members, you can sell anything to others.

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