How to create a website on Google

 Dear visitor you are reading this article of mine which means you also want to make a website but you do not know how to make a website. Today we will show you how to create a website or blog for free. You don't need an expensive computer or laptop to build this website, you can build it with just your smartphone, even in just a few minutes and you can earn more than 50 thousand rupees per month through this website.

What are the requirements for building a website - 

 1) A smart phone or computer

 2‌) Internet connection

 3) Domain name and Hosting

 ⚙️ Now you must have in mind what the domain name or hosting thing. Let's understand this first. Just as we all have our own unique names, every website in the world of the Internet has its own name. This is called a domain name. For example, the name of my website is Just by searching this name you will reach my website and you will also need a domain name to create a website.

Now let us know what is Hosting thing. What is a website or any information to be stored on the Internet: a storage: is required. Just as we store any picture or video, pdf, movie in our phone's storage, so any website is stored in a storage, it is called hosting in the language of internet.

⚙️ Domain name and Hosting are two things to buy with money. Not available for free. But since I am teaching you how to create a blog or website for free, I will show you a method so that you can create a Google authorized website or blog for free. Let's create a website -

How to create a free website (How to create a free website or blog) - 

1) To create a free website or blog, we first need to go to Google or any other browser and search

2) Then a page like this will come up. Then you will click on the Create your Blog option.

3) You will then be asked for a Gmail account and password. You will touch the next option with your Gmail account and password.

4) Then you have to name the blog or website of your choice. Then click on next option.

5) Then you have to give the name of your website. Such would be the name of my website - The name you add will then be added from (******** This will be the domain name of your website. You do not have to pay for this, Google is giving it to you for free.

6) Then if you click on the next option, your display name will be asked. Here you will give your full name. As a result, you will see this name whenever you post a blog.

Once you have completed these tasks, you can get your website ready. Here you can post the content of your choice. And whenever a visitor reads your post, you can earn a huge amount of money through Google Adsense.

Website with money is good or free website is good? Free and paid websites can be built in two ways and a lot of money can be earned in two ways. However, if you make a website with money, of course, it is of good quality. It is very easy to customize it if you buy a website with wordpress by buying domain name and hosting with money. You will get about 50000+ plugins for free in Wordpress, through which you can add many features. Things you can't do on a blogger. If WordPress is a free software, anyone can use it. All you have to do is buy a domain name and hosting.

How to create a website on Google
How to create a website for My business
How to create a website free of cost
How to create a website free
How to create a website for free on Google
How to create a website PDF
How to create a website with your phone
How to create a website using HTML
How to create a website from scratch

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