About Photography 

One picture is enough to write a few pages. Photography is an art. And to be proficient in this industry you need to have an idea about some basic things. Photographer Harry Guinness mentions some things on the Popular Science website that can be aesthetically pleasing if avoided.

Camera work: 

Many people start taking pictures without having any idea about the details of the camera. It is the opposite. This cannot be done. Must take multiple pictures of a scene. If you take one at fast shutter speed, you will see that it has a different look than the previous one. The same goes for aperture mode. When you take pictures in automatic mode, you leave everything in the hands of the camera. It fixes a setting that is acceptable most of the time. But you will not get much opportunity to express your creative skills in it.

Photography, cameraman

To become a good cameraman, you need to get out of automatic mode and learn how to use other modes. If you get used to it, you will feel the change within a few months.

Rule of Thirds: 

This ‘Rule of Thirds’ is a well known concept in the world of photography. Whoever is going to learn to operate the camera, he must have said something about it. But the picture is often not good if you imitate it blindly without any knowledge of it.

Rule of third,  photography

The basic premise of this idea is that if you divide each shot into three-by-three grids, the picture will be better. If you want to understand the 3x3 grid a little better, you have to learn editing. The boxes that are created to crop during editing are called grids. If you put any part of the subject in any line of this grid, the picture will look good. For this you have to learn to use your own eyes without relying only on rules. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

Keep in mind the subject of composition is actually the rule of thirds, but do not blindly imitate. If the picture is good according to this rule then it is good. So don't hesitate to say otherwise. It can make the picture look better.

Phone pictures: 

Both hands should be used when taking pictures on the phone. The phone should be held nicely with both hands, it is important to hold it firmly. Otherwise the picture will be blurred, the framing will not be good. The desired subject can also be cut off, someone important can be left out.

Usually in the morning when the speed of light is sharp, then the picture of light and shadow shows a lot of sight in the front light. It is better if the screen is bigger in mobile camera. It has many benefits for viewing pictures and composing. It is better to take pictures with mobile landscape. It can take more subjects.

Use of light: 

Proper control of light is essential to make a picture attractive. The content of the image can be presented meaningfully and interestingly in the right amount of light. Ordinary flashlights indoors or pictures taken outside in the afternoon have more light. Pictures taken in somewhat dark places make it difficult to accurately capture the content.

If you have DSLR, you can try different types of lenses. Mobile phones do not usually have the opportunity to use more than one lens. So there is no opportunity to change different depth of field or focus. For this reason, it is important to have the right amount of light in taking mobile pictures.

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